Pavel Alpatov: We have something to prove to ourselves and our fans | News of FC Dynamo Moscow

Pavel Alpatov: We have something to prove to ourselves and our fans

# Pavel Alpatov
Pavel Alpatov: We have something to prove to ourselves and our fans | News of  FC Dynamo Moscow

Dynamo caretaker manager Pavel Alpatov answered journalists' questions after the match with Torpedo (3:0).

— In such a situation, the main thing was to achieve a positive result. Today we looked good at times. The team managed to keep the clean sheet, but after each game there are aspects that need to be worked on. I would like to thank my players for doing a lot of work and congratulate our fans on the victory.

— Dmitry Skopintsev noted that you had already made certain adjustments to the game.

— I can't say that we have introduced any new scheme. During the season we used several formations. Of course, we added some aspects in the positions of the players, but there was nothing specifically new.

— Today Fedor Smolov and Konstantin Tyukavin spent most of the match together. Do you plan to use them simultaneously?

— Let's see, I can't answer this question right away. The first impression of the game may be one, and after we review and analyze the match, it may change. After that, we will make some adjustments.

— Why did you decide to put Igor Leshchuk in the goal today?

— In the coaching staff, we make decisions together. Today's score is a collective merit. We trust Dmitry Izotov, who works with goalkeepers, so we listen to his opinion.

Pavel Alpatov: We have something to prove to ourselves and our fans | News of  FC Dynamo Moscow

— What is the task for the remaining two matches — to earn 6 points or start preparing the team for the new season?

— We have a concrete task for the next match. We are moving forward. We have something to prove to ourselves and our fans. So all thoughts are about the next derby with Lokomotiv, and then we will set a new goal before the match with Orenburg.

— How did the team take Slavisa Jokanovic's resignation – was it a shock or a joy?

— What joy can it be if we are all responsible for the result – starting from the staff, ending with the players? It wasn't just Slavisa Jokanovic's problem. We tried to fully immerse the guys in working process and focus their attention on the upcoming match.

— Are there any troubles in training with players who are older than you?

— I was worried about it when Kirill Novikov was dismissed, and Aleksandr Kulchy and I started working with the first team. As a result, the support that experienced footballers gave me completely removed this issue from my head. This is not my merit, but the human attitude of our players.

— You were part of Sandro Schwarz and Slavisa Jokanovic's coaching staffs at Dynamo. Do you have an understanding of why the team plays worse after the winter break than before it? And why are a group of key players performing worse than last season?

— It is difficult for me to answer these questions now. If the problem was clear, this would not have happened.