Pavel Pivovarov: We are very glad that Andreja will keep working at Dynamo | News of FC Dynamo Moscow

Pavel Pivovarov: We are very glad that Andreja will keep working at Dynamo

# Pavel Pivovarov
Pavel Pivovarov: We are very glad that Andreja will keep working at Dynamo | News of  FC Dynamo Moscow

Dynamo General Director Pavel Pivovarov commented on the new contract signing with the club's head of sports science Andreea Milutinović.

— Andreja's work is important for the team's progress. He has vast experience, unique competence and a well-known individual approach to the physical development of every football player. His personally oriented programs are already giving visible results.

The Dynamo Lab project, which we are implementing with the help of Milutinović, allows us to monitor dynamics of the players’ fitness throughout the season at the modern level. We are very glad that Andreja will keep working at Dynamo.

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# Andreja Milutinovic