Sergey Lavrentiev: We will always aspire to the best results

# Sergey Lavrentiev

Sergey Lavrentiev shared the emotions after his appointment as head coach of the Dynamo U-21 women's team.

— I am very glad to join Dynamo Moscow which have recently opened a women’s football direction in their structure. I am happy to come back home, because I am a prospect of the Dynamo Sports School. During the negotiations, I was attracted by a fundamental approach from the club. I liked the development strategy and the planning principle in its implementation. I see how the club is growing, so I am sure that the women's football will certainly become an important part of the club.

Looking at the number of applications for the trial, I can say that the interest to Dynamo new project is really high. I understand my goals well, because I have been working in women's football for a long time. My coaching staff and I will prepare the team as well as possible. We will always aspire to the best results.

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# Dynamo-WFC