Vladimir Dolbonosov summed up the performance of Dynamo veterans in 2024 | News of FC Dynamo Moscow

Vladimir Dolbonosov summed up the performance of Dynamo veterans in 2024

# Dynamo veterans
Vladimir Dolbonosov summed up the performance of Dynamo veterans in 2024 | News of  FC Dynamo Moscow

The head of the Dynamo veterans' team, Vladimir Dolbonosov, spoke about the success of the team in 2024, in which they won the "Never-Fading Stars" tournament for the fifth time in a row.

Like every person, I get satisfaction from a job well done: the Dynamo veteran team was again the first. And this is the fifth time in a row, which adds special joy and pride to the club.

What is our leadership based on? Perhaps I would not be mistaken if I say that the stability of the composition and the successful selection of performers. And the fact that the final victory was given with great difficulty, in a tough competition – see for yourself: out of 12 rounds, we were only the first in three, and even the fourth in two.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who took the field last year, as well as to those who were with the team all season and helped achieve the result.

Goalkeeper Andrey Tveryankin played all the matches. Reliability and ability to reflect seemingly impossible balls, he just flies in the frame of the goal. It is very difficult for him to score. He conceded only eight goals, although this is also the merit of our defenders. Most often the couple is Eric Yakhimovich and Andrei Novgorodov. Eric is a versatile player, good at selection, can join the attack, score goals. But Andrei does not spare himself in the fight, at the same time he starts the team's attacks well and secures the entire defense.

Vladimir Dolbonosov summed up the performance of Dynamo veterans in 2024 | News of  FC Dynamo Moscow

The tip of our attack, Leonid Panteleimonov, is light, nimble, and he has a cannon blow. He was our main goalscorer for three years, and last season Nikolai Smirnov became the top scorer. That's who can create a goal out of nothing. His namesake Alexander Smirnov comes infrequently, but a personal assistant always sticks to him – rivals are so afraid of him. Mikhail Markin can be asked to play at any place and you can be sure that he will play at five plus.

Alexey Kutsenko literally plows on the site, a real hard worker. He can take over the game at a difficult moment and score the right goal. Vladimir Skokov is a vivid example of game discipline. Alexey Mironov, who scored the most in the 2020 season in the team, is not eager to become the top scorer now, but competently plays in the support zone. Mikhail Maryushkin from the bench always loudly and ardently prompts the players, but when he himself enters the field, he immediately focuses on the fight for the ball.

This season we had two new ones. I am glad to welcome Alexander Tochilin, who is widely known in big football. The second is Stanislav Dubrovin, who looks young and thin, but is unstoppable in attack. Both have perfectly integrated into the team and are of great benefit.

Vladimir Dolbonosov summed up the performance of Dynamo veterans in 2024 | News of  FC Dynamo Moscow

The team administrator Rafail Isangulov is carrying a load of household chores, and he is rather big. Equipment, ammunition, balls – it's all on it. When traveling to other cities, there are even more troubles: travel tickets, hotel, meals. Andrey Marinkin builds the entire schedule of the training and competitive process, responsible approach and competent work. Viktor Losev is a member of the coaching staff of the team, his experience and skill are irreplaceable.

And now about the main component of our common success. The management of Dynamo FC and VTB Bank pays close attention to the veterans' team. We are provided with everything we need, and when I go out to the management to resolve issues, I always meet with understanding. Once a week we are provided with a field on the "Ray" for training. We arrange trips to other cities for individual matches or tournaments. Football players like this attitude towards themselves, and they always give their best.

Since this year, we have received vocal support from loyal fans who come to every tour. There are even four "spool" that visited all the tours of the "Never-Fading Stars". They spur their pets with all the power of their voices, and after the games there is a mandatory shared photo. Everything is the same as during a professional football career, only more democratic.

The year is ending, and success will go down in history. The new 24th season starts in January. Since the tournament is competitive, we must be ready to strengthen the game of the opposing teams. I won't reveal my secrets, but don't doubt that we will do our best to keep Dynamo in the lead!

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# Vladimir Dolbonosov